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What is
Crip Queer Love?

What is Queer Crip Love? To demonstrate the opposite of straight neurotypical able-bodied love, this piece shows the tickling, unique and colorful ways people in the disability community express love. From prosthetic dildos to hand-painted shot glasses that mimic a lover's IV meds, this piece is a celebration of the ways that disability is integrated into expressions of affection. This is for the lovers who reinvent what it means to love, accommodating for partners who are amputees, handicapped, autistic, chronically ill, and all the various in-betweens of neuro-divergence and non-able bodiedness.


"To me, Queer crip love is the feeling of being home in a world built to work against you. It’s learning to love in ways that transcend barriers of heteronormativity, neurotypicality, and ableism. 


It’s sharing the parts of yourself the world teaches you to hide with someone who greets them with nothing but love and acceptance. 


It’s a christmas gift of the perfect broth when it’s all you can eat. 


It’s always carrying a fidget toy in case of sensory overload. 


It’s a deep and intimate understanding of the ways in which each other’s minds and bodies work differently. 


It’s a love that can take endless forms, and is ever-evolving. 


It’s shamelessly reminding one another how much love is shared 

Between our strengths 

Our weaknesses 

And our insecurities 

Queer crip love is an art in and of itself"


chandelier: dna unraveled

disability, disorder, a dis-ordering of the pristine coding of DNA, we are the mutation, the genetic anomaly, the side effect in the grand scheme of evolution. Soon there will be a day where in-vitro testing catches us, where genome wide assessments catch sneaky recessive threats to barely formed fetuses, and the future versions of us will disappear. Designer babies with beautiful eyes and bodies and perfect minds will walk in our place. They will celebrate this and call it scientific advancement. But in this moment, this era they'll consider primitive and underdeveloped, we walk free, and as we unravel all our broken mutated disordered DNA, we find beauty in the struggle. Facing a world that seems to say You're Not Supposed To Be Here, we stand defiant saying "I am here and I am alive." 

 "The story of low-quality and non-functional prosthetics made by one corrupted Russian prosthetic company. It deceives their patients. My friend Olga Scherbakova who is an artist heart this story and made mock devices to ridicule this inconvenient prosthetics."-Anna

"For me, the notion of a prosthesis is a kind of tool, or more broadly, part of a machine, in Deleuze and Guattari's understanding. We all have default body configuratinos, and each body creates different types of machines when interacting with the environment: the cowboy and the horse create a machine for crossing distance; the sex toy and the body create a machine for pleasure; the prosthesis and the body create their own types of machines. This way it does not matter how one's organs of perception are formed, but it is important to consider everyone's experience and to remember love without categorization."- Olga

3D printed prosthetic dildos

text description: two heads covered in metallic paint kiss. their heads are covered in 3cc syringes, that created an interlaying halo. they stand upon a painting of bruised and tattered skin, patched together again with bandaids.where their lips meet is weathered, exposing the cracking clay, but they kiss in spite of it, because of it. They know that no one can escape the way time widens these cracks, returning them to crumbling dust, and that they are, like all art, temporary. So in this temporality, this second of a lifetime, they press their lips against the other, imparting this expression of love.


heads in love


Discover the beauty of recycled tiny famotidine vial earrings! These unique earrings are made from Madeline's daily medication and have been transformed into beads that were also included in the installation's chandelier. To take into consideration the variety of economic statuses, you can choose how much you believe the earrings are worth (but please, at least a minimum of 10). Not only does your purchase support our cause but also contributes to a sustainable future. All proceeds from the sale of these earrings will go to G-PACT, the Gastroparesis Patient Association for Cures and Treatments Inc. Treat yourself to a beautiful accessory that gives back!

Vial earings

To order, simply send your shipping address and payment to our Venmo account. I priced these earrings at such an affordable price because the shipping fee is an extra $10. If you're in new york i can just travel to you! It's a small price to pay for a truly special accessory that's not only beautiful but also supports a worthy cause. Thank you for your support!


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